Maggie Yule, Founder of Aromatic Vitality

Maggie Yule, Founder of Aromatic Vitality

Maggie is an aroma therapist, personal trainer and holistic health practitioner based in Los Altos, California. Aromatic Vitality was inspired by Maggie's lifelong passion for health, the science of aromatherapy and it's contribution to overall wellbeing. Guided by her intuitive wisdom and eternal optimism, Maggie helps clients return to their best wellbeing and enjoy their highest quality of life. Through educational wellness programs and hand-crafted custom beauty products, Maggie shares her knowledge and passion for natural aromatherapy products with the world.

Maggie’s love of nature and aromatherapy is founded in her personal and professional experience with holistic health. Driven by the desire to help clients find healing in nature, and her own natural curiosity, Maggie stays abreast of the latest aromatherapy science. Using her knowledge as a foundation, Maggie collects essential oils from around the world to create custom blends to suit her clients needs. 

Before starting Aromatic Vitality, Maggie founded her education in anatomy at the Massage Institute and Healing Arts Center in Dallas, Texas. She continued to round out her education in several fields, becoming a Certified Master Teacher in Reiki, massage, anatomy, energetic techniques and myofascial release. Nine years of teaching naturally evolved into thriving personal massage and aromatherapy business. Thus, Maggie's true passion for creating individualized aromas, specialized wellbeing strategies, and delicious bath blends came to light in Aromatic Vitality. 
